Campaign Update

We’ve hit $14,000!

Thank you to all of our generous donors who have helped us pass $14,000!! We are excited to announce that 28 girls will be returning to school this January through SAWA scholarships. The girls are all so hopeful and excited about returning!

But we are still NOT DONE! There are still 5 days left in the campaign.

With $18,000, we will be able to have an emergency fund (in case something comes up that we didn't plan for-- increase in a school's fees, a special case applicant, etc.) as well as run two educational/empowerment community workshops during the girls' school breaks in April and August!

If you haven't donated yet, now is your chance to get involved!! Thank you to all who have supported our girls and please continue to SHARE OUR MISSION with anyone you think may be interested!!

  • The SAWA Kenya Team
December 8, 2020


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Started this campaign 55 years ago

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